- Nenkai - GT4FS, GTAdhocToolchain, OpenAdhoc, various file formats and reverse engineering
- ddm - Improved on-screen keyboard, randomizer algorithm, event theme suggestions
- ermaccer - PS2PluginInjector, code assistance
- zinklesmesh - Car camera adjustments
- pez2k - GT4FS, car specifications and general GT research
- xfileFIN - GT4FS
- Silentwarrior112 - Car colour patch editor
- Xenn - ENGN research and sound documentation
- Submaniac - ENGN research and sound documentation
- Silent - GT3 chase cam, trigger sensitivity, and 480p PCSX2 cheats
- Alconautica, hydnhntr, JeyM, pioneerspine - UI graphics and layout
Special Thanks
- DustinEden - Spec II 100% Livestream
- Testers - Alconautica, Alex, Carver6K, ddm, Greg Thomas, Nebu, Rekoware, Romrolls, Silent, Submaniac
- Translators - granturismo.italia (Instagram), Gustingorriz, Submaniac, SWYD1
- You - For playing this mod!